How to Prevent Camel Toe When Wearing Yoga Pants

What is Camel Toe?

Camel toe is when a woman’s labia majora is visibly outlined in tight-fitting activewear. This can happen with swimwear, shorts, leggings, tights, and any type of clothing that sits tight against the body.

Camel toe can also happen to men too (the male version is called a moose knuckle)!

The name is derived from how the labia majora looks against the tight fabric, somewhat like a camel’s toe (pictured above).

Other names for this nether-region phenomenon include crotch cleavage and moose knuckle. I know…how unappealing.

Camel toe can not only be unsightly, but it can also be uncomfortable for most women

Everyone and anyone can experience camel toe at any point in their lives. Even celebrities are not immune to camel toe.

Celebrities with camel toe: Sofia Richie, Mariah Carey Taylor Swift and Lil Kim
Celebrities with camel toe: Sofia Richie, Mariah Carey Taylor Swift and Lil Kim

Some men may find the camel toe appealing and even fetishize it. In 2018, I saw some ads for underwear with a camel toe mold for those wanting to re-create the look.

Personally, I do not mind camel toe because it happens naturally and it takes a lot of inconveniencing for something to bother me. However, if this is a common nuisance for you and you want to be rid of it, you’ve come to the right place.

There are leggings for different body shapes, and you should know which one will suit you the most in shielding the camel toe. But that’s not enough and you may need to rely on other solutions.

Let’s learn about the causes of camel toe and how to prevent camel toe

What Causes Camel Toe?

1.  Improper Fit

swimwear white bikini camel toe

Camel Toe Wear

Sometimes fabric that is too tight and the overstretched against skin can create camel toe where there are crevices in the body (ie. behind the knees, hips, crotch area, and bottom of the glutes/derrier).

This can also happen when clothing is too loose and it rides up the front or back of a woman’s body.

Finding the proper fit can be the solution to getting rid of camel toe.


2.  Going Commando

Camel-Toe in white leggings

Camel Toe in White Yoga Pants

Wearing skin-tight pants without underwear, or “going commando,” is a sure way to display your bodily features.

It is more likely to create camel toe due to a lack of a barrier between the fabric and your body.

People like going commando because you won’t have to deal with visible panty lines (VPL) and the feeling of freedom from constricting clothing.

When going commando, we highly recommend disclosing that bit of information if you ever decide to sell your clothing on the secondary market.

3 Wearing Leggings With a Front Seam

A front rise seam may also be the culprit for camel toe. The seam may somehow find its way into your crotch cleavage. This can happen with normal wear or during exercise.

Usually, this may be due to the clothing being too tight, ill-fitted, and a result of cheap activewear fabric and shoddy clothing manufacturing processes.

Camel Toe in DYI Leggings (and yes…this is my actual camel toe, ugh!)

4.  Wearing Leggings with a Shaved Vagina

Being shaved down there can be more comfortable and physically attractive. The problem with that is because there is no barrier (usually your pubic hair), your leggings can ride up and cause camel toe.

I’ve experienced a significant amount of camel toe when my vagina is shaved.

How to Prevent Camel Toe

Luckily, there are a few ways to get rid of or prevent camel toe. For people who hate the look and sensation of a camel toe, here are a few tips to help you get rid of, or “camelflage,” your camel toe.

When approaching these ideas, think about which options feel the most reasonable and doable to you. You want to use a method that is most convenient for you.

1. Wear Leggings Made with Flat Front Panels

Flat front panels eliminate the front seam from leggings and prevent fabric from riding up your crotch area. They’re also great for people who love going commando to prevent the VPL, or “visible panty line.”

2 Wearing a Panty Liner in Your Underwear

If you wear underwear with your leggings, considering wearing a panty-liner to hide your camel toe.

3 Size Up In Your Activewear Bottoms

Most of the time, the reason for camel toe is usually tight fitting clothing. Try sizing up in your favorite brands and see if that makes a difference.

If that doesn’t work, we recommend trying a different activewear brand or the other recommendations in this post.

4 Wearing Leggings Built with a Liner

Some leggings have a built-in liner, which is great for people who love to go commando yet want to eliminate the pesky camel toe and VPL.

5 Wear Leggings with a Gusset

A gusset is a piece of material sewn into a garment to strengthen or enlarge a particular part of it. Examples include the yoke on a button-up shirt or a piece of fabric sewn into the crotch of leggings.

A gusset is a necessity for some buyers. Some don’t even mind if there is or is not a gusset. Personally, I can go either way with my leggings as long as they fit properly.

A gusset provides additional support and reduces the stress on seams during wear, this potentially preventing camel toe!

Gussets can be diamond, triangle, square, or H-shaped. Below is an image showing different types of gussets you may see on leggings.

6 Avoid Camel Toe Prone Fabrics

Camel toe typically happens with stretchier fabrics. This is why the spandex in activewear typically causes camel toe. Linen and polyester fabrics are also known to cause camel toe.

It is better to avoid these fabrics when possible. A blend of the fabrics, such as bamboo, rayon, spandex, lycra, etc. works much better to cover up camel toe.

7 Wear Thick Fabrics

Thinner fabrics are more likely to highlight all of the body’s natural lines, lumps, and bumps.

If camel toe has been a common issue for you, consider shopping for leggings that are made with a thicker and heavier fabric.

Some brands with thick fabrics include Athleta, Carbon38, Boody, and Girlfriend Collective. They all use thick, high-quality fabrics that prevent camel toe.

 Frequently asked questions about camel toe in yoga:

  1. What Causes Camel Toe During Yoga? Camel toe occurs when tight-fitting clothing, such as yoga leggings, bunches up in the crotch area. The snugness of the fabric and the way it conforms to the body can lead to this visible outline.
  2. Is Camel Toe Normal? Yes, camel toe is a natural occurrence. It happens to many women, especially during physical activities like yoga. It’s essential to recognize that it’s a common phenomenon and not something to be overly concerned about.
  3. Which Yoga Poses Are More Likely to Accentuate Camel Toe? Certain poses can emphasize camel toe due to their specific movements and body positions. Examples include Ustrasana (Camel Pose) and variations like Half Camel with Raised Toe Pose.
  4. How Can I Prevent Camel Toe?
    • Choose leggings with a gusseted crotch to reduce fabric bunching.
    • Ensure proper sizing; avoid overly tight pants.
    • Opt for moisture-wicking and stretchy fabrics.
    • Consider using discreet camel toe liners.
    • Make pre-practice adjustments to ensure comfort.
  5. Should I Be Self-Conscious About Camel Toe? No need to feel self-conscious! Remember that it’s a natural occurrence. Embrace your practice, focus on mindfulness, and enjoy the benefits of yoga.


Camel toe is a natural occurrence, and there’s no need to feel self-conscious. By choosing the right gear, practicing mindfulness, and celebrating your unique journey, you’ll continue to thrive in your yoga practice.

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