What was the role of a candy striper

Candy striper, also known as hospital volunteers, played an essential role in the healthcare system. These young volunteers selflessly dedicated their time and energy to lend a helping hand, providing valuable assistance and support to both patients and medical staff. Their tasks varied widely depending on the facility, but some common duties included:
  1. Delivering Comfort: Candy stripers brought comfort and companionship to patients through conversation and interaction.
  2. Errands and Assistance: They ran errands, delivered flowers, newspapers, and mail to patients.
  3. Basic Patient Care: Some candy stripers assisted patients with activities such as feeding, grooming, and mobility, helping maintain their comfort and dignity.
  4. Administrative Support: They worked in staff reception areas, gift shops, and provided administrative backup.
  5. Specialized Roles: Some hospitals utilized volunteers for music or art therapy programs, where they played instruments or engaged in creative activities with patients.
  6. Advanced Volunteers: In certain cases, volunteers took on more specialized roles, such as patient-care liaisons or volunteer orderlies, operating under the orders of nurses or physicians.

The term “candy striper” originated from the red-and-white striped pinafores that female volunteers traditionally wore, reminiscent of candy canes. Although the term and uniform are less frequently used today, the impact of these dedicated volunteers remains significant in healthcare settings.

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